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Financial Strength is PARAMOUNT.

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Morning sunrise over Palo Duro Canyon, TX

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    President, Slaton

    “Because my family has been in Slaton for four generations, I have deep roots in this community. I love helping customers I’ve known my whole life and working with people who are just like family. I am so grateful for Happy – there is such depth to our core values, which means you’ll often find us opening meetings with prayer and see servant leadership modeled daily.”

    Hear Our History
    Terrica Taylor Photo


    Regional President, Central Texas

    “I love the natural beauty of the Texas Hill Country. I love the welcoming, friendly, small town feel of Kerrville. Most of all, I love the way people here work together to make this a special place to raise our families, grow our businesses and help others in need. I also love the Happy culture and our core values. We work hard, have fun, love God and love one another.”

    Hear Our History
    Gregg Appel, employee
1 Certain fees, limitations and restrictions may apply. Please refer to product terms and conditions or see Bank for details.

2 The Bank does not charge you a fee for using Mobile Banking. Your wireless carrier’s data and text message rates may apply.

3 Zelle® and the Zelle related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC. And are used herein under license. Certain transaction fees, limitations and requirements may apply. Please refer to product terms and conditions.

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Our only job is to help our customers. That means we'll do what it takes to bring your financial dreams to life.
Family Harvesting Vegetables From Garden at Small Home Farm